Can my landlord kick me out for being pregnant/having a baby?

Can my landlord kick me out for being pregnant/having a baby?

Exploring Your Rights as a Pregnant Tenant: What You Need to Know About Eviction

As a pregnant tenant, you may be worried about your landlord kicking you out of your home. It is important to understand your rights as a tenant and the laws that protect you against eviction due to pregnancy.

What Are Your Rights?

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and other protected classes. This means that your landlord cannot evict you just because you are pregnant. The FHA also prohibits landlords from refusing to rent to an applicant due to their pregnancy.

The FHA applies to rental units that are owned by the government or private landlords. Additionally, some states have further protections for pregnant tenants. You should research the laws in your state to determine what protections are available.

Can Your Landlord Still Evict You?

Just because your landlord cannot evict you due to your pregnancy does not mean that you cannot be evicted for other reasons. Your landlord can still evict you for not paying rent, breaching the lease agreement, or violating other tenant laws.

If you are at risk of being evicted, it is important to know your rights and legal options. In some states, you may be able to get an order from the court that prevents the eviction. Additionally, some states provide financial assistance to help pregnant tenants pay their rent.

What Are Your Rights When You Move Out?

If you are pregnant and move out of your rental unit, your landlord must return your security deposit. Your landlord is not allowed to keep your security deposit because you moved out due to your pregnancy.

Your landlord should also provide you with a written explanation of the deductions from your security deposit and the reasons why the deductions were made. If your landlord does not provide you with a written explanation, you may be able to file a lawsuit against them for the return of your security deposit.


It is important to understand your rights as a pregnant tenant. Your landlord cannot evict you just because you are pregnant, but they can still evict you for other reasons. You should research the laws in your state to determine what protections are available. Additionally, if you move out of your rental unit due to your pregnancy, your landlord must return your security deposit.

The Legal Implications of Having a Baby While Renting: What Landlords Can and Can't Do

Having a baby can be an exciting time for renters, but it also comes with some legal considerations. Your landlord has certain rights and responsibilities when it comes to having a baby while renting, so it’s important to know what those are. Here’s what you need to know about your legal rights and obligations as a tenant when you’re expecting.

Can My Landlord Kick Me Out For Being Pregnant/Having a Baby?

The short answer is no – your landlord cannot kick you out for being pregnant or having a baby. This is because it would be considered discrimination, which is illegal. In fact, a landlord is not even allowed to ask about your pregnancy or family status before renting to you. This means that if you’re already renting, your landlord can’t use the fact that you’re pregnant or have a baby as a reason to kick you out.

Do I Have To Tell My Landlord That I’m Pregnant/Having A Baby?

The law does not require that you tell your landlord that you’re pregnant or having a baby, however, it is best to let them know. This will help ensure that your landlord is aware of any potential changes in the rental agreement, such as additional tenants or the need for extra space. It’s also important to tell your landlord if you plan to have a child living in the rental unit, as this could have implications for the lease.

What Rights Do I Have As A Tenant?

As a tenant, you have the right to privacy and to be treated fairly by your landlord. This means that your landlord cannot enter your home without your permission and they must provide you with reasonable notice before entering. Additionally, your landlord cannot discriminate against you and must treat you equally with all other tenants.

What Responsibilities Do I Have As A Tenant?

As a tenant, you are responsible for paying your rent on time and for keeping the rental unit clean and in good condition. You must also follow the terms of the lease agreement and comply with any laws or regulations that apply to the rental unit. Additionally, you must respect your landlord’s rights, such as the right to quiet enjoyment and the right to privacy.


Having a baby while renting can be a stressful time, but it’s important to know your legal rights and responsibilities. Your landlord cannot kick you out for being pregnant or having a baby, however, you should still let them know about any changes in the rental agreement. As a tenant, you have the right to privacy and to be treated fairly, and it’s your responsibility to pay your rent on time and to follow the terms of the lease agreement. Knowing your rights and responsibilities can help ensure a smooth transition for you and your baby.

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